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The Wendland-Cook Program in Religion and Justice is an interdisciplinary program located at Vanderbilt University Divinity School. We focus on issues of justice that arise at the intersection of religion, economics, and ecology. Founded in 2023 by Dr. Joerg Rieger and supported by a generous gift from Barbara Wendand, the mission of the program is to develop resources and opportunities for students, scholars, clergy, and activists to envision and create a more just and sustainable world for all.
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Interview with Altagracia Pérez-Bullard on the Role of the Church in Fighting for Working People
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Be sure to check out our previous interviews with Dr. Angela Cowser and Dr. Vincent Lloyd.

Liberating People and the Planet Webinars
In the search for solutions to the growing ecological, economic, and religious challenges of our age, what happens if we put all of them in conversation? How are ecology and economics linked? Are there connections between what exploits the planet and what exploits people? And how does Christianity figure in?

The Ugly Truth of a Pandemic and the Logic of Downturn
July 2, 2023
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“But COVID-19 and the stark realities of racism and inequality cannot be ignored much longer.
A reckoning awaits. …”
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Outward focus
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Does What You Believe Make a Difference?
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The Wendland-Cook Program in Religion and Justice at Vanderbilt Divinity School provides fellowships and internships for masters students enrolled at VDS and for doctoral students in the Graduate Department of Religion and other graduate programs at Vanderbilt University.
We also consider project proposals for fellowships from non-student scholars and activists in the Nashville area engaged in the work of economic and ecological justice who have unique insights and opportunities for intersectional engagement.

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Letter & Program Rationale
June 15, 2023
When Barbara Wendland, author and director of the Cook Foundation, agreed to support our vision of a new program in religion and justice, a new world of opportunities opened up. At Vanderbilt University Divinity School, we share Barbara’s concern for religion that is engaged in making a positive difference in the world, and this has long been the goal of my own academic work as well. The focus of the Wendland-Cook Program on ecological devastation and economic …

April 30, 2023
“Already we are beginning to sense who the essential workers, those without whom we cannot survive, really are….” (Joerg Rieger)
The coronavirus pandemic has made more blatant than usual how much our collective survival and well-being depend on various kinds of workers, most of whom do not receive such attention, much less acclaim,...

Deep Solidarity: Embracing God’s Power to Alleviate Poverty and Create Structural Change
March 12, 2023
Rosemarie Henkel-Rieger is the co-founder and co-director of the Southeast Center for Cooperative Development in Nashville, Tennessee. For a deeper engagement of this topic see their book Unified …
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